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What is the process for submitting a construction application?

Do you want to realize a building project and wonder what the process for submitting a building application looks like? In this article you will get all the important information.

In Switzerland, you usually have to submit a building application in order to obtain a building permit. The process for submitting a building application can vary by canton and municipality, but generally follows a similar procedure.

Planning of the construction project

Before you submit a building application, you must plan the building project. This includes the preparation of plans, drawings and technical descriptions of the construction project. You should also obtain all necessary permits and documents required for the construction project.

Submission of the building application

Once you have prepared all the necessary documents, you can submit the construction application to the relevant authority. As a rule, you will have to pay a fee for processing the construction application.

Examination of the building application

After you have submitted the building application, it will be reviewed by the competent authority. This review may take some time and depends on the size and complexity of the construction project. Additional information or changes to the construction project may be requested during the review.

Approval of the building application

When the building application has been reviewed and all requirements have been met, the building permit is issued. The permit may have conditions that you must meet in order to proceed with the construction project.

Implementation of the construction project

After receiving the building permit, you can start implementing the construction project. During construction, you must ensure that the building project complies with the approved plans and regulations. Inspections may also be conducted to ensure that the construction project is in compliance.


The process for submitting a building application in Switzerland includes planning the building project, submitting the building application, reviewing the building application, approving the building application and implementing the building project. It is important to obtain all necessary documents and permits and to ensure that the construction project complies with the regulations.

If you have any questions about the process, please feel free to contact us. We are at your side with advice and support. Contact us!